If you stand within melee range they would swing their massive rocky arms/fists and attack with melee for large amounts of damage if you are directly hit. As you walk closer to one of these big boulders and get near one it starts to move and take shape while you realize it's not a boulder at all but one of these creatures. I can imagine walking up a mountain side trail with all sorts of rocky formations sticking out from the mountain sides. Within Skyrim's mountains and rocky cliffs would be a perfect place for these to be implemented. Being territorial they would wait and ambush the bypassers when they got near emerging from hiding and taking their true form. When not moving they look like part of the terrain they live in. Dwelling in rocky or mountainous areas where they can control and extort the rocks around them. A boulder-like creature that tends to be very large (typically 8-10 feet in height) and thus obviously slow moving.

I'm going to put the bulk of info in spoiler tags so it's not so cluttered, click for description and info. And before you say it, Yes I know the game is well too far along to add these in and they are not taking suggestions so this is just for fun and discussion amongst us fans. If they are creative or dull? Would you like them to add or not to add. I'm going to list some creatures ideas with descriptions of them let me know what you guys think. But I wish they had more variety when it comes to actual Monsters. Sure they had Mud Crabs, Slaughterfish, Bear, Cougar, Boar, and Wolves as well as humanoid Goblins and Zombies, Ghost, Wraith, Undead Skeletons, and Lich. I'm sorry but Imp, Troll, Ogre, Minotaur, Minotaur Lord, Spriggan, Willow-o-wisp, and Land Dreugh is just not enough. Anybody else think that The Elder Scrolls games can really stand to improve upon the amount and different variety of creature/monsters they have? I definitely wish there was more creatures, mostly fantasy creatures with a few real life creatures or variations of real life creature anyways.